“Mrs. Smith” had the time of her life at the class reunion. She was voted the best preserved of all of the “girls.” A few implants replaced the empty spaces (or black holes) and a new, bright porcelain prosthesis filled the upper arch of her mouth, pushing all of the wrinkles away. It almost seemed that she had undergone a very successful face lift, when in fact, her only cosmetic indulgence had been a smile investment that would hold its value for many more years.
Remembering “Mrs. Smith” stirred interesting conversation among the Pi staff, many of whom are beginning to attend their own class reunions. One staff member commented that her old friends insisted she “had work done,” alluding to plastic surgery but not quite being able to determine what kind. No one seemed to grasp that it was all in her smile.
According to celebrated American fashion designer and film director, Tom Ford, a stylish man needs to possess fifteen things. Among them are everything from good jeans to a classic tux and a perfect pair of sunglasses, but the possession on which he elaborates most is that of a radiant smile. His advice is this: if you don’t have perfect teeth, save up and get them.
As the new year begins and we all contemplate how to make the quality of life better than before, one worthy consideration is the health and appearance of our smile. Teeth that are structurally well aligned and free of decay very positively impact general health, and teeth that are attractive and young very positively impact our outlook and confidence. Be smarter than a fifth grader: don’t fear the dentist. He or she knows exactly where to find the Fountain of Youth!
By Joanne Balshi