And Ongoing Research
Scientific Journal Articles and Ongoing Clinical research published by Pi Dental Center on dental implants and the replacement of missing teeth are listed below.
Catastrophic implant failure after immediate loading of full arch implant prosthesis and its association with CPAP therapy. Julio J. Rodriguez DDS, MS Alexis Gertler DDS, John Bender DMD, Neeraj Surathu BDS, Thomas J. Balshi DDS FACP PhD, Journal of Prosthodontics. Accepted for Publication March 30, 2023.
9-year follow up on maxillofacial implant-supported framework designed to accommodate childhood growth. Thomas J. Balshi DDS, PhD, FACP, Glenn J. Wolfinger DMD, FACP, Robert Pellecchia DDS, FACS, William Reiger DMD, MS, James W. Blakely, Stephen F. Balshi MBE, Mamdouh O. Kachlan DMD, Journal of Prosthodontics. First published: 11 May 2022.
Perspectives on Zygomatic Implants, An Issue of Atlas of the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, Volume 29-2, 1st Edition. Editors: Anastasiya Quimby Salam Salman. Chapter: Restoration of Zygomatic Implants. Sundeep Rawal, DMD, Tom Balshi, DDS, PhD, Saj Jivra, BDS, MSEd. Hardcover ISBN: 9780323811194. Imprint: Elsevier. Published Date: 30th July 2021.
Incidental Findings in Cone Beam Computed Tomography for Dental Implants in 1,002 Patients. Mamdouh O. Kachlan BS, Jie Yang DDS, MS, Thomas J. Balshi DDS, PhD, FACP, Glenn J. Wolfinger DMD, FACP, and Stephen F. Balshi, MBE. Published online by AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PROSTHODONTISTS – WEDNESDAY WAKE-UP CALL: Journal of Prosthodontics News. 2021. Article in PDF Format
Decision Process in Treatment of Reduced Periodontium: A Case Report. R Mathur , BDS, MPH, MS, D Wessel, DMD, M Nahon, DDS, M Torres, DMD, MS, TJ Balshi, DDS, PhD. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2020; Volume 40, Number 5, 2020. 40:e197–e204. doi: 10.11607/prd.4585.
Management of Maxillary Cluster Implant Failures with Extra-Maxillary Implants: A Clinical Report. Loewenstein AG, Bidra AS, Balshi TJ. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 18]. J Prosthodont. 2020;10.1111/jopr.13178. doi:10.1111/jopr.13178.
Relationship between Radiographic Misfit and Clinical Outcomes in Immediately Loaded Complete-Arch Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses in Edentulous Patients. Slauch RW, Bidra AS, Wolfinger GJ, Kuo CL. Journal of Prosthodontics, (Online) 2019 Aug 21. doi: 10.1111/jopr.13105. (Printed) October 2019, Vol 28, Issue 8, 861-867.
Management of Biotechnical Complications Associated with a Full-Arch Implant Restoration Using Digital and Conventional Workflows: A Clinical Report. Joshi BDS, MDS, Piermatti J, DMD, FACP, Nahon M DDS, Balshi TJ, DDS, PhD, FACP. Journal of Prosthodontics. 28 (2019) 483-487.
Evolution of Full-Arch Implant Prosthodontics: From Analog Protocols to Digital Workflows. Rawal S, Balshi TJ, Jivraj S, Birdi B. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2019 Oct; 40(9):578-585; quiz 586.
A 30-Year Follow-Up of a Patient with Mandibular Complete-Arch Fixed Implant-Supported Prosthesis on 4 Implants: A Clinical Report, Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi SF, Bidra A, Journal of Prosthodontics, February 2019, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 97-102.
Thirty-Two-Year Success of Dental Implants in Periodontally Compromised Dentition. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi SF, Nevins M, Kim DM. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2018 Nov/Dec;38(6):827-831. doi: 10.11607/prd.3709.
Use of Implants in the Pterygoid Region for Prosthodontic Treatment, Position Statement. American College of Prosthodontists, June 2017.
A new digital solution for implant-supported restorations – designing and milling three components separately but simultaneously offers several advantages, Balshi TJ, DDS, PhD, Balshi SF, MBE, Inside Dental Technology, March 2017, Page 1-4.
Treatment of a Patient With Implant Failure and Jaw – Osteonecrosis: Successful Retreatment Using Implants (Case Letter), VC Petropoulos, DMD, MS, TJ. Balshi, DDS, PhD, GJ Wolfinger, DMD, SF Balshi, MBE, Journal of Oral Implantology, Vol. XLII /No. One/2016, Page 82-85.
Trayless Implant Impression Technique for Patients with a Hyperactive Gag Reflex, Alfano SG, Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi SF, Implant Practice US, 2016 Jul;9(3):16-19.
The Retread: A Retrospective Analysis of 205 Implant-Supported Fixed Hybrid Prostheses. The International Journal of Prosthodontics, March/April 2016, Vol. 29 Issue 2, 126-131. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Alfano SG, Balshi SF.
Positioning handle and occlusal locks for the Teeth-in-a-Day protocol. Balshi TJ1, Wolfinger GJ1, Balshi SF2. J Prosthet Dent. 2016 Mar;115(3):274-7. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2015.08.016.
Life Expectancy of a Fixed Complete Denture, Balshi, SF. ACP Messenger, Fall 2015, IN THE LAB. 2015.
A Long-term Retrospective Analysis of Survival Rates of Implants in the Mandible. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2015 Nov-Dec;30(6):1348-54. doi: 10.11607/jomi.3910. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Stein BE, Balshi SF.
Fabricating an Accurate Implant Master Cast: A Technique Report. Journal of Prosthodontics 24 (2015) 654–660 C _ 2015 by the American College of Prosthodontists, Balshi TJ DDS, PhD, FACP, Wolfinger, GJ, DMD, Alfano SG, DDS, MS, Cacovean, JN BS, Balshi, SF, MBE
Oral Rehabilitation and Psychosocial Evaluation of a Patient with Bulimia Nervosa Following Teeth in a Day® Immediate Loading Protocol. Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, FACP; Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, FACP; Stephen G. Alfano, DDS, MS, FACP; J. Neil Della Croce, DMD, MS; and Stephen F. Balshi, MBE. Compendium April 2015, Volume 36, Issue 4.
Oral rehabilitation and psychosocial evaluation of a patient with bulimia nervosa following Teeth in a Day® immediate loading protocol. Thomas J Balshi 1, Glenn J Wolfinger 1, Stephen G Alfano 1, J Neil Della Croce 2, Stephen F Balshi 3. Case Reports Compend Contin Educ Dent. . 2015 Apr;36(4):e5-e11. PMID: 25822854.
Management of Soft Tissue Irritation Around Exposed Zygomatic Implant in a Hemimaxillectomy Patient: A Technical Report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi SF. IJOMI 2015;30:317-320. doi: 10.11607.
Prosthodontic revision treatment: total oral rehabilitation of a patient with intense parafunction and advanced bone loss in the posterior maxilla. Stephen F. Balshi, Glenn J. Wolfinger, Thomas J. Balshi ImplantNews 2014: 11(6a-PBA): 31-9.
Zygomatic implants as a rehabilitation approach for a severely deficient maxilla. Al-Thobity AM, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi SF, Flinton RJ, Balshi TJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014 Nov-Dec;29(6):e283-9. doi: 10.11607/jomi.3662. Epub 2014 Aug 20.
Ectodermal Dysplasia: An 11-Year Follow-up of Siblings With 2 Implant Treatment Approaches, Vicki C. Petropoulos, DMD, MS, Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, and Stephen F. Balshi, MBE, Implant Dentistry, Volume 23, No. 4 2014 387-393.
Treatment of a Patient with Implant Failure and Jaw Osteonecrosis: Successful Retreatment Using Implants. Petropoulos VC1, Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi SF J Oral Implantol. 2014 Mar 25.
A Retrospective Analysis of 800 Brånemark System Implants Following the All-on-4®™ Protocol. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Slauch RW, Balshi SF. J Prosthodont. The American College of Prosthodontists J Prosthodont. 23 (2014) 83–88.
Etiology and treatment of periapical lesions around dental implants. Andy Temmerman, David Lefever, Wim Teughels, Thomas J. Balshi , Stephen F. Balshi & Marc Quirynen. Periodontology 2000, Vol. 65, 2014, 1–9.
Stability Assessment of Brånemark System Implants Following the All-on-4® Treatment Concept Using Resonance Frequency Analysis (Poster Presentation); Robert Slauch, BS, Thomas Balshi, DDS, PhD, FACP, Glenn Wolfinger, DMD, FACP, Stephen Balshi, MBE, PI Dental Center at the Institute for Facial Esthetics; Fort Washington, PA University of Maryland School of Dentistry; Baltimore, MD, 2013 Oct 10.
Recent study with All-on-4® treatment concept – Equally good outcomes in the mandible as in the maxilla with TiUnite implants using the All-on-4® treatment concept protocol. Balshi et al. J Prosthodont. [Epub] Nobel Biocare News.Dec 23, 2013.
A retrospective analysis of mandibular bone height changes associated with 81 screw-retained implant-supported prostheses with distal cantilevers: a long-term follow-up analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.Dhima M, Balshi T, Wolfinger G, Petropoulos VC, Balshi S. 2013 May-Jun;28(3):854-9.
Brånemark System Implant Lengths in the Pterygomaxillary Region: A Retrospective Comparison; Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, Robert W. Slauch, BS, and Stephen F. Balshi, MBE, Implant Dentistry, Volume 22, Number 6, Page 610-612.
The Importance Of Zygomatic And Pterygomaxillary Implants In Prosthodontic Treatment. Lecture at the American College of Prosthodontics Meeting, Baltimore, 2012 November.
Prevalence of Non-Dental Pathology in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Studies for Dental Implants. Balshi TJ, DDS, PhD, FACP, Wolfinger GJ, DMD, FACP, Wulc BA, Balshi SF, MBE, March 2013. JIACD, Volume 5, No. 3: Pg 21-26.
A Retrospective Comparison of Implants in the Pterygomaxillary Region: Implant Placement with Two-Stage, Single Stage and Guided Surgery Protocols, Balshi TJ, DDS, PhD, FACP, Wolfinger GJ, DMD, FACP, Slauch RW, BS, Balshi SF, MBE Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants 2013;28:184-189.
Using computer-guided surgery for partial guidance of zygoma implants. Balshi T, Wolfinger G, Balshi S. Source Pi Dental Center, Institute for Facial Esthetics, Fort Washington, PA, USA. Compend Contin Educ Dent.Oct;33(9):682-4, 686, 688-9, 2012.
A Retrospective Analysis of the Anterior-Posterior Spread to Distal Cantilever Length Relationship in Temporary and Definitive Prostheses Following the All-on-4® Protocol, Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, FACP, Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, FACP, Robert W. Slauch, BS, Stephen F. Balshi, MBE
Zygomatic Bone-to-Implant Contact in 77 Patients With Partially or Completely Edentulous Maxillas, Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, Nicholas J. Shuscavage, BA, and Stephen F. Balshi, MBE, J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Sep;70(9):2065-9.
A “No Bone” Solution Treating the Atrophic Maxilla with an Immediate Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthesis. Stephen F. Balshi, MBE Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, FACP, JCD, Vol. 28, Issue 2, Summer 2012, Page 127.
Modifications of the original Brånemark prosthetic protocol for immediate function and esthetics, Thomas J. Balshi, Glenn J. Wolfinger, James R. Bowers, J.N. Della Croce, Carlos Aparicio – Zygomatic Implants: The Anatomy-Guided Approach, Edited by Carlos Aparicio, Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd, Surrey, UK, 2012. Chapter 16, Page 217-222.
Treatment of a Patient with Cleidocranial Dysplasia Using a Single-Stage Implant Protocol, Vicki C. Petropoulos, DMD, MS,1 Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, FACP, Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, FACP, Stephen F. Balshi, MBE, Journal of Prosthodontics 20 (2011) S26–S31, by The American College of Prosthodontists.
A retrospective analysis of 125 single molar crowns supported by two implants: long-term follow-up from 3 to 12 years. Balshi TJ, DDS, FACP; Wolfi nger GJ, DMD, FACP; Wulc D; Balshi SF, MBE Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011 Jan-Feb;26(1):148-53.
Mandibular Bone Height Changes Associated with Screw-Retained Implant-Supported Prostheses with Distal Cantilevers: A Long Term Follow Up Analysis. Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, FACP; Glenn J. Wolfinger DMD, FACP; Matilda Dhima DMD; Vicki C. Petropoulos DMD, MS; Stephen F. Balshi MBE. PI Dental Center at the Institute for Facial Esthetics, Fort Washington, PA University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Presented at the Academy of Osseointegration Annual Session March 3 – 5, 2011, Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC – March 2011.
Alendronate Bisphosphonate Therapy and Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: Successful Retreatment. Thomas J. Balshi DDS PhD FACP, Glenn J. Wolfinger DMD FACP, Vicki C Petropoulos DMD MS, Stephen F Balshi MBE, PI Dental Center at the Institute for Facial Esthetics, Fort Washington, PA University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Presented at the Academy of Osseointegration Annual Session March 3 – 5, 2011, Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC – March 2011.
A protocol for immediate placement of a prefabricated screw-retained provisional prosthesis using computed tomography and guided surgery and incorporating planned alveoplasty. (English and French) Stephen F Balshi, MBE, Glenn J. Wolfinger DMD FACP Thomas J Balshi DDS, FACP, Parodont Dent Rest 2011 ; 31: 47-53
A prospective analysis of immediate provisionalization of single implants. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Wulc D, Balshi SF. Institute for Facial Esthetics, Prosthodontics Intermedica Dental Center, Fort Washington, PA. Journal of Prosthodontics 2011 Jan;20(1):10-5. 2010 Nov 18.
Chapter 19: Teeth In A Day® and Teeth In An Hour: Implant Protocols For Immediate Function And Aesthetics. Thomas J. Balshi, Glenn J. Wolfinger, Stephen F. Balshi, James R. Bowers, J. Neil Della Croce — Volume –Dental Implants: The Art and Science – 2nd Edition (Hardcover) Charles A. Babbush DDS MScD, Jack A. Hahn DDS, Jack T. Krauser DMD, Joel L. Rosenlicht DMD. Saunders Elsevier 2010
Treatment of a severely atrophic maxilla using an immediately loaded, implant-supported fixed prosthesis without the use of bone grafts: A clinical report, Jeffrey S. Sherry, Thomas J. Balshi, Lawrence O. Sims, Stephen F. Balshi, JPD, Volume 103, Issue 3, Pages 133-194 (March 2010) Pages 133-138
A Retrospective Analysis of 110 Zygomatic Implants in a Single-Stage Immediate Loading Protocol. Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. Vol 24, No. 2, 335-341, 2009.
Case of the Month: No Bone Solution™ Computer Guided Implant Surgery Protocol for Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of the Severely Atrophic Maxilla The Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry, Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, FACP, Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, FACP, John J. Thaler, James R. Bowers, Stephen F. Balshi, Volume 1, No. 2, April 2009.
Guided Implant Placement and Immediate Prosthesis Delivery Using Traditional Brånemark System Abutments: A Pilot Study of 23 Patients. Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ Implant Dent. 2008 Jun;17(2):128-135.
CT-Generated Surgical Guides and Flapless Surgery, Balshi TJ, Balshi SF. JOMI, 2008 23(2) 190-191.
No Bone Solutions for the Severely Atrophic Maxilla. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Della Croce JN, Balshi SF, Dentistry Today, 2008 27(3), 94-100.
A simple technique for immediate placement of definitive engaging custom abutments using computerized tomography and flapless guided surgery, Sherry JS, Sims LO, Balshi SF. Quintessence International,2007 Oct: 38(9), 756-762.
A Retrospective Analysis of 44 Implants with No Rotational Primary Stability Used For Fixed Prosthesis Anchorage Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2007 May-Jun;22(3):467-71.
Against All Odds – i-Cat Case of the Month Cone Beam CT Technology. Published Online, 2007.
Full Mouth Rehabilitation of a Patient with Bulimia Nervosa Following the Teeth in a Day® Immediate Loading Protocol. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ –A poster presentation.
A Retrospective Evaluation of a Treatment Protocol for Dental Implant Periapical Lesions: Long-term Results of 39 Implant Apicoectomies Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2007 Mar-Apr;22(2):267-72.
An examination of immediately loaded dental implant stability in the diabetic patient using resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. Quintessence Int. 2007 Apr;38(4):271-9.
Die Neue Implantat-Medizin Echt Schöne Zähne… Die modernen Verfahren, die Kosten und was die Kassen zahlen. Focus Germany. 2007 March.
The evolution of advanced prosthodontic care: a 30-year patient report. Balshi TJ, Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ. J Prosthodont. 2007 Jan-Feb;16(1):43-9.
Surgical planning and prosthesis construction using computed tomography, CAD/CAM technology, and the Internet for immediate loading of dental implants. Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2006;18(6):312-23; discussion 324-5.
Surgical Planning and Prosthesis Construction Using Computer Technology and Medical Imaging for Immediate Loading of Implants in the Pterygomaxillary Region. Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2006 Jun;26(3):239-47.
Analysis of 164 titanium oxide-surface implants in completely edentulous arches for prosthesis anchorage using the pterygomaxillary region. Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2005 Nov-Dec;20(6):946-52.
A study of 275 retrieved Brånemark oral implants. Bolind P, Johansson CB, Balshi TJ, Langer B, Albrektsson T. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2005 Oct;25(5):425-37.
A Resonance Frequency Analysis Assessment of Maxillary and Mandibular Immediately Loaded Implants Balshi SF, Allen FD, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2005 Jul-Aug;20(4):584-94.
Facial and Oral Reconstruction Following Trauma and Failed Chin Implant: A Case Report Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Pryszlak MC, Balshi SF. Implant Dent. 2005 Sep;14(3):221-6.
A Prospective Study of Immediate Functional Loading Following the Teeth In A Day® Protocol:
A Case Series of 55 Consecutive Edentulous Maxillas. Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2005;7(1):24-31.
Complications of mandibular molar replacement with a single implant: a case report. Petropoulos VC, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ. J Can Dent Assoc. 2004 Apr;70(4):238-42.
Treatment of a Patient with Cleidocranial Dysplasia Using Osseointegrated Implants: A Patient ReportPetropoulos VC, Balshi TJ, Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004 Mar-Apr;19(2):282-7.
Extractions, implant placement, and immediate loading of mandibular implants: a case report of a functional fixed prosthesis in 5 hours. Petropoulos VC, Balshi TJ, Balshi SF, Wolfinger GJ. Implant Dent. 2003;12(4):283-90.
Management of the posterior maxilla in the compromised patient: historical, current, and future perspectives. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Periodontol 2000. 2003;33:67-81. Review. No abstract available.
Teeth in a Day® for the maxilla and mandible: case report. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2003;5(1):11-6.
Immediate functional loading of Brånemark system implants in edentulous mandibles: clinical report of the results of developmental and simplified protocols. Wolfinger GJ, Balshi TJ, Rangert B. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2003 Mar-Apr;18(2):250-7.
Quadruple zygomatic implant support for retreatment of resorbed iliac crest bone graft transplant. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Petropoulos VC. Implant Dent. 2003;12(1):47-53.
Immediate loading of dental implants in the edentulous maxilla: case study of a unique protocol. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2003 Feb;23(1):37-45.
Immediate Placement and Implant Loading For Expedited Patient Care: A Patient Report Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2002 Jul-Aug;17(4):587-92.
Implants are a prosthesis. Balshi TJ. Pa Dent J (Harrisb). 2002 May-Jun;69(3):15.
Treatment of congenital ectodermal dysplasia with zygomatic implants: a case report. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2002 Mar-Apr;17(2):277-81.
TEETH IN A DAY® – Immediate Functional Loading of Dental Implants–Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, FACP, Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, PhD, FACP. Position Paper. Implant Dentistry, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2002, P 231-233.
Dientes en un día, Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, FACP, Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, FACP, Rev. Esp. Odontoestomatológica de Implantes 2002; 10 (3) 164-166.
A new protocol for immediate functional loading of dental implants. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Dent Today. 2001 Sep;20(9):60-5.Links
A Prospective Randomized Comparative Study of Restore and Brånemark Screw Shaped Titanium Implants. Poster Presentation: Glenn J Wolfinger, DMD, FACP & Thomas J Balshi, DDS, FACP. Private Practice, Pi Dental Center, Fort Washington, PA. Presented at 2001 Academy of Osseointegration Meeting (16th Annual Session) in Toronto, Canada, March 22-24.
Procera® AllCeram. Printed in DentalTown Magazine November 2000, Volume 1, Issue 10. Address: 10850 S 48th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85044 Phone: 480-598-0001.
Dental implants in the diabetic patient: a retrospective study. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. VA Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Implant Dent. 1999;8(4):355-9.
Analysis of 356 Pterygomaxillary Implants in Edentulous Arches for Fixed Prosthesis Anchorage, Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi SF 2nd, Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1999 May-Jun;14(3):398-406.
Osseointegration treatment of transverse root fractures in the region of the alveolar crest. Hernandez RE, Balshi TJ. Endodontology Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. J Endod. 1998 Feb;24(2):145-7.
Two-Implant-Supported Single Molar Replacement: Interdental Space Requirements and Comparison to Alternative Options Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Int J Periodont Rest Dent 1997; 17:427-435.
Immediate Loading Of Brånemark Implants in Edentulous Mandibles: A Preliminary Report. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Implant Dentistry, Volume 6, Number 2 – 1997
Single Tooth Replacement: Fixed Partial Denture Versus Single Tooth Implant. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Valley Forge Dental Conference, Spring 1997.
Fabrication of acrylic resin copings for CeraOne provisional restorations. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. J Prosthodont. 1997 Mar;6(1):66-9.
Three-year evaluation of Brånemark implants connected to angulated abutments. Balshi TJ, Ekfeldt A, Stenberg T, Vrielinck L. Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Center for Medical and Dental Health, Halmstad, Sweden. 1997 Jan-Feb;12(1):52-8.
An analysis and management of fractured implants: a clinical report. Balshi TJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1996 Sep-Oct;11(5):660-6.
Restoring lost vertical dimension of occlusion using dental implants: a clinical report. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Int J Prosthodont. 1996 Sep-Oct;9(5):473-8.
Clinical Science – Prosthodontic Management of Combination Transosteal / Endosteal Implant Reconstruction: A Clinical Report. Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, Gary S. Rogoff, DDS, MS, Jeffery A. Harrison, DMD, and Julie Oliverio Callum DMD. Journal of Prosthodontics, Vol 5, No 2 (June) 1996; pp 76-83.
Conversion prosthesis: a transitional fixed implant-supported prosthesis for an edentulous arch–a technical note.Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1996 Jan-Feb;11(1):106-11.
The use of pterygomaxillary implants in the partially edentulous patient: a preliminary report. Balshi TJ, Lee HY, Hernandez RE. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1995 Jan-Feb;10(1):89-98.
Implant rehabilitation of a patient after partial mandibulectomy: a case report. Balshi TJ. Quintessence Int. 1995 Jul;26(7):459-63.
Mandibular rehabilitation: a case study using inferior cadaver graft. Balshi TJ, Magid MJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1995 Sep-Oct;10(5):589-94.
Candidates and requirements for single tooth implant prostheses. Balshi TJ. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1994 Aug;14(4):316-31.
Osseointegrated implants in a patient with Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome: A Case Report. Balshi TJ, Hernandez R, Shapiro Steven. International Journal of oral and Maxillofacial Implants. Vol. 9, No. 3, 1994. P. 333-336.
Patient Attitudes Before And After Dental Implant Rehabilitation. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Hernandez RH, Implant Dentistry Summer 1994.
Improve transition with an implant conversion prosthesis for the edentulous arch. Balshi TJ.Dent Implantol Update. 1994 Sep;5(9):65-9.
Book Review: A Matter of Balance. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Implant Dentistry Volume 4. Number 1, 1995.
Single, Tuberosity – Osseointegrated Implant. Support for a Tissue Integrated Prosthesis. Balshi TJ. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1992;12(5):345-57.
Osseointegrated Brånemark implants used to retreat a fractured mandibular bone plate staple implant: a case report. Balshi TJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1992 Summer;7(2):256-8.
Osseointegration over bone plate staple. Implant Soc. 1991;2(4):15-6 Balshi TJ.
Treatment of osseous defects using Vicryl mesh (polyglactin 910) and the Brånemark implant: a case report. Balshi TJ, Hernandez RE, Cutler RH, Hertzog CF. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1991 Spring;6(1):87-91.
Oral prosthodontic rehabilitation for traumatic sports injuries. Balshi, TJ, Dent Clin North Am. 1991 Oct;35(4):771-96.
First molar replacement with an osseointegrated implant. Balshi TJ, Quintessence International, Vol 21, Jan 1990. P&G 752-5236.
Overload Management of Osseointegrated Fixtures to Achieve Optimum Bone Remodeling Through Multistage Prosthodontic Loading, Balshi TJ, Tissue Integration in Oral, Orthopedica and Maxillofacial Reconstruction. 1990: p364.
Balshi TJ. Abstract: Preventing and resolving complications with osseointegrated implants. Dent Clin North Am. 1989 Oct;33(4):821-68. Review.
Restoring facial appearance using osseointegrated dental (Brånemark) implants. Journal of the Tennessee Dental Assoc, 1/88.
Converting patients with periodontally hopeless teeth to osseointegration prostheses. Balshi TJ. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1988;8(2):8-33. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 1988;8(2):8-33.
Osseointegration for the periodontally compromised patient. Balshi TJ. Int J Prosthodont. 1988 Jul-Aug;1(1):51-8.Links
Osseointegration ot reconstruct lower-lip support for the severely atrophic mandible. Balshi TJ, Entechnology, 1987 September.
Preventive durapatite ridge augmentation for esthetic fixed prosthodontics. Balshi TJ. J Prosthet Dent. 1987 Sep;58(3):266-70.
Gingival augmentation for osseointegrated implant prostheses. Parel SM, Balshi TJ, Sullivan DY, Cardenas ER. J Prosthet Dent. 1986 Aug;56(2):208-11.
Resolving aesthetic complications with osseointegration using a double-casting prosthesis. Balshi TJ, Quintessence Int. 1986 May;17(5):281-7.
Osseointegration: the efficacy of the transitional denture. Balshi TJ, Garver DG. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1986 Fall;1(2):113-8.
Cast framework design for fixed prosthodontics supported by Biotes osseointegrated implants. Balshi TJ, Fox N. Trends Tech Contemp Dent Lab. 1986 Jan-Feb;3(1):30, 32-5.
The Biotes conversion prosthesis: a provisional fixed prosthesis supported by osseointegrated titanium fixtures for restoration of the edentulous jaw. Balshi TJ, Quintessence Int. 1985 Oct;16(10):667-77.
Better Teeth Restoration for Accident Victims. Balshi TJ, Barrister Summer Issue 1984.
Sequential treatment planning. Balshi TJ. Gen Dent. 1981 Mar-Apr;29(2):113-7.
Maintenance procedures for patients after complete fixed prosthodontics. Balshi TJ, Mingledorff EB. J Prosthet Dent. 1977 Apr;37(4):420-31.
Restorative occlusion utilizing a custom incisal guide table. Balshi TJ, Mingledorff EB, Olbrys BH, Cantor SJ, Journal of Prosthodontic Dentistry. October 1976 Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 468–471.
Matches, clips, needles, or pins. J Prosthet Dent. 1975 Oct;34(4):467-72. Balshi TJ, Mingledorff EB.
Internet Publications:
Immediate Loading Restoration Techniques, OSSEONEWS.COM, Balshi TJ
Determining Primary Stability,, Balshi TJ
Immediate Loading Restoration Techniques,, Balshi TJ
Determining Primary Stability,, Balshi TJ
Dermatology Related Articles:
The Stem Cell Revolution, By Thomas C. Balshi, MD,, November 2011, Page 44.