Common dental myths can keep people from taking care of their teeth adequately. Ultimately, dental neglect has a negative impact on their quality of life. Here are nine myths that patients have expressed to us in our prosthodontic practice. Read this blog titled, "Nine Common Dental Myths … [Read more...] about Nine Common Dental Myths Debunked
removable dentures
What Does the Dental Term, “Oral Cripple” Mean?
Have you heard of the term, “oral cripple”? Dentists use the term to describe a person who has such significant dental problems that they substantially and negatively impact the quality of life. … [Read more...] about What Does the Dental Term, “Oral Cripple” Mean?
Are Dentures Back? Maybe..
This week the national news media focused on a very interesting dental phenomena—the number of young people opting to have dentures. If the older population has missed the impact of what a smile means to self-confidence, the up and coming work force knows the value. Executives do not hire … [Read more...] about Are Dentures Back? Maybe..