Researchers have reported that people with the most germ-ridden mouths are the most likely to have heart attacks. A study comparing heart attack victims to healthy volunteers found that heart patients had higher numbers of bacteria in their mouths. Read more about how tooth brushing can prevent a heart attack.
These findings add to a growing body of evidence linking oral hygiene with overall health. Oelisoa Andriankaja and colleagues at the University at Buffalo in New York were trying to learn whether any particular species of bacteria might be causing heart attacks. They found that the people who had the most bacteria of all types in their mouths were the most likely to have had heart attacks.
Andriankaja stated, “Even though some specific periodontal pathogens have been found to be associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, the total bacterial pathogenic burden is more important than the type of bacteria. In other words, the total number is more important than one single organism.” Doctors are not sure how bacteria may be linked with heart attacks but several studies have shown an association between gum disease and heart disease. Bacteria may set off general inflammation that in turn causes blood to clot.
If you have not had an oral hygiene cleaning recently, call our center (215-646-6334) to schedule your appointment.