Many of today’s innovative dental care solutions are costly. They require experience and precision from an entire team, including sophisticated laboratory support to ensure results that both look and function like natural teeth.
When dental disease is widespread, dentures may serve as an appropriate stepping-stone. They are significantly less costly (yet undoubtedly less functional) than fixed teeth. The removal of decayed teeth will improve the health of the mouth. This allows the dentures serve as placeholders until more stable technology becomes affordable. The “All-On-4” dental implant protocol is the least costly option to build a smile on dental implants and can be accomplished one arch at a time. It can also be upgraded later.
Additionally, Pi Dental Center makes prosthetic teeth using of various materials, some less costly than others. Furthermore, the Pi Dental Center team explores all options in consultation with our patients to make treatment affordable for those who desire it. Call Pi Dental Center to discuss financing dental implants, dentures, and dental restoration. Prioritize your smile!
Kenya Kidd says
thanks for posting! This message give me hope as I work in the public eye and everyday, I’ve became very accustomed speaking to people with my hand “somewhat” covering my mouth. If there’s a dentist that is willing provide pro-bono services…i can drive/fly/bus to their facilities…thanks for your article. Ms. Kenya Kidd ..who misses smiling 🙁
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wheatgrass Powder says
Hey Nice Blog!!!!!
Short and precise description of dental implants..
Thanks For Sharing…
Shauna Blackhurst says
Great article. I agree that dental implants would be a very wise option to choose. dental implants will last a long time and be effective in creating a beautiful smile.