This year, in honor of National Prosthodontics Awareness Week, the Pi Dental Center took our healthy smile campaign on the road. On the sunniest, warmest day in our community this year, we participated in the Ambler EarthFest, a first time venture to bring a community together in the spirit of making our little corner of it, refreshingly natural and healthy.
Pi Dental Center Booth
Many applauded the Pi Dental Center booth as the most “green” and energetic display. Our mission was to convey the importance of a healthy smile and the positive free energy it ignites within the person and within everyone around them. We tend to think of pollution as that which goes out into the atmosphere and compromises our fresh air. However, dental decay, broken teeth and intraoral bacteria are a lethal personal pollution, capable of causing serious damage to our vital organs if not kept in check.
A Dental Prescence at Earth Day Event
The obvious question was often repeated. “What does a dentist have to do with Earth Day?” The surprising answer is that we are very tightly interwoven. Unlike most other maladies, dental disease is highly visible. We have all experienced cringing when an otherwise pretty face reveals a very compromised, unhealthy smile.
Pi Dental Center’s Objective
At the Pi Dental Center, we strive to restore smiles to maximum good health. In addition, our goal is to keep them as natural as possible. Our specialty is dental implant treatment, replacing all that is unhealthy and dysfunctional in the mouth with porcelain teeth that mimic nature. However, our wide scope of care embraces all restorative dentistry, still promoting the preservation of natural teeth when they can be kept esthetic and functional for a reasonable, cost-effective segment of time.
Our theme for National Prosthodontics Awareness Week was “Keep Your Teeth in Mint Condition,” so it was only natural that along with toothbrushes, tooth paste and floss, we gave away healthy, living, very green mint plants. Even without clinical intervention, our team made people smile all day long with the fragrance of the fresh herb and the play on words.
The common denominator is simple: we keep our Earth healthy and we keep our selves healthy. We seek what is natural and strong and bright in both arenas. It only takes awareness and the tools of knowledge. And every now and then, it also takes a mint!
By Joanne Balshi
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