The Pi Dental Center in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania has made giant steps in helping eating disorder patients find their way to the path of recovery. Philosophically uncharacteristic of the dental profession at large, the Pi doctors and staff have immersed themselves in understanding the multi-dimensional aspects of these health issues, and have taken the solid position that quality dentistry and precision esthetics jumpstart the recovery process.
For years, the dental profession has held a very reserved perspective in applying restorative care to patients with worn away and infected dentitions, requiring patients to show evidence of remission before embarking on major dental reconstruction. At the Pi Center, board certified prosthodontists believe that the core issues of eating disorders, lack of confidence and lack of empowerment, are significantly eradicated by the introduction of a healthy mouth and a winning smile. The dramatic change brought by this sudden life enhancement produces such abundant self-confidence and positive energy that it often unlocks the door to recovery. The Pi approach is not to withhold or delay any measure that contributes to the rebuilding of a broken spirit.
At the Pi Center, ongoing studies of our many treated eating disorder patients clearly indicate that our philosophy generates consistent positive outcomes. Some patients come to us on the threshold of physical and emotional disaster, holding out the singular hope that a new image in the mirror can actually save their lives. Others come unaware of the value embedded in a new smile, but find themselves newly equipped with functioning tools to begin the recovery process.
At the present time, virtually every eating disorder patient in the Pi Dental Center practice has achieved success, not only dentally from a functional and cosmetic standpoint, but also in revamping eating habits to either reduce or eliminate dysfunction. We welcome new patients who suffer from the difficult dental symptoms of eating disorders. We are committed to patient privacy as well as to offering experienced compassion for victims of this difficult disease.
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Leslie Carbine says
As the survivor of a serious eating disorder, my weight loss was severe at one time.
I was now healthy, but malnutrition and acid wear from bulimic behavior had destroyed my teeth. Several of them were broken and they were falling out before my eyes.
Dr. Thomas Balshi and the team at The PI Dental Center gave me a new smile that is aesthetically perfect for my facial features. These teeth are more beautiful than I could ever imagine. My past is behind me and my future is as bright as my new smile. Thank you, PI Dental Center for your outstanding work!:)
Leslie Carbine says
On June 13th, the Dr. Oz Show aired a program on the subject of a new fad website for dieters (targeting mainly young individuals.)
ProAna, a website that promotes anorexic and bulimic behavior as a means of losing weight is a horrific new site that actually condones the behavior that nearly killed me.
I recommend viewing this infomative link from The Dr. Oz Show on this serious subject. It could save someone from years of self-destruction, even death.
Leslie says
Kiristen struggled with an eating disorder that eventually caused her to sacrifice all of her teeth. She had significant bone loss and wasn’t a likely candidate for dental implants. Thanks to Dr. Thomas Balshi and the team at PI Dental, she has a new smile and a new outlook on life.
drbhattdds says
Recovering from an eating disorder requires a careful planning and a team approach. The recovery doesnt happen all at once, sometimes it needs years of effort to implement the lessons learned in the treatment classes. You have to read the stories that can bring hope in you, read the recovery forums, read the sources that help you understand the recovery process and work to prevent relapsing from an eating disorder