As always, everybody went above and beyond to care for me, especially Dr. Wolfinger who actually took his time to pull off a miracle and fix a small crack in my night guard so that it will last a bit longer than it would otherwise. He said he’d never done this before, but he put it on my mold and heated it up in their lab and actually healed the crack! The crack is GONE!!!! This is some amazing kind of doctor who would take this kind of time to do this great kindness for a patient, when he just could have said, “Buy a new one.” I feel so very blessed to have him as my doctor.
Also, I received an outstanding cleaning and every seal that was put in is still in. Because I lost a bunch rather quickly after my last cleaning, the staff took the time to do things a little differently this time around to accommodate the challenges of my rather shallow screw holes, many of which are right on chewing surfaces.
I am not the easiest patient in this practice, but wow – these folks treat me as though every issue or concern I have is the most important challenge of their day. They treat me as though I were family. So very blessed to be a patient of PI, not to mention, what kind of life would I even be living now if I hadn’t found them and been the recipient of their miraculous rescue from my state as a true dental cripple!!! It is no exaggeration to say that I would either be some kind of recluse or dead by now without the restoration of my function and appearance (and CONFIDENCE) that the PI Team provided! I love each and every one of you PI folks, and I am SO very grateful!