Many of today’s cutting edge dental care solutions are costly by their very nature. They require experience and precision from an entire team, including sophisticated laboratory support to ensure results that both look and function like natural teeth.
Many prioritize a healthy smile and will forego some other luxury to invest in their well being, but for individuals struggling with poor credit, the approach may need to be somewhat different. Since unhealthy teeth have a marked influence upon overall systemic health, it is important not to carry disease in the mouth for an extended period of time. Staging treatment so that the most affected areas are restored first is one way to approach dental fitness.
When dental disease is widespread, removable dentures may serve as an appropriate stepping-stones. They are significantly less costly (and less functional) than fixed teeth, but the extraction of all decayed teeth will improve the health of the mouth, allowing the dentures to be placeholders until such time as more stable technology becomes affordable. The “All-On-4” dental implant protocol is the least costly option to build a smile on dental implants, and can be accomplished one arch at a time. It can also be upgraded later. Additionally, prosthetic teeth can be made of various materials, some less costly than others. The Pi Dental Center team explores all options in consultation with our patients to make treatment affordable for those who desire it.
How To Be An Educated Consumer While Shopping for Dental Implants