Pain free dental treatment is our focus of Pi Dental Center. We endeavor to help the patient feel comfortable during dental treatment and to control pain adequately during the healing period.
Your prosthodontist may recommend the use of anesthesia for your dental procedure. Many procedures can be safely and comfortably performed with a local anesthetic, but there are times where additional sedation and pain relief or general anesthesia is required. There are also situations where a patient may desire to have their procedure performed with sedation in addition to the local anesthetic. Patients who suffer from dental phobia can maintain their dental hygiene without the anxiety or pain that they have experienced in the past.
In consultation with your doctor and anesthesiologist, the type and level of anesthesia will be determined. With the medications available today, anesthesia can be safely administered with minimal risk and few side effect. Anesthesia for dental procedures ranges from a continuum of mild sedation to general anesthesia. Anesthesia of these types is administered through an intravenous infusion that is started prior to the procedure. During the consultation with your doctor and anesthesiologist, the type and degree of anesthesia will be discussed and issues of patient preference and coexisting medical conditions will be considered.
Generally speaking, patients who desire a limited awareness of their procedure can have this need met.
Patients requiring anesthesia (sedation or general) for their procedure will have the following:
- Preoperative assessment including the completion of a health survey and possible laboratory and electrocardiogram tests completed
- Contact with the anesthesiologist prior to the date of the procedure to discuss the anesthetic plan, review the patient’s medical history, answer any questions, and provide instructions.
- A physical assessment on the day of the procedure
- Monitoring and administration of the anesthetic during the procedure
- Post-procedure recovery and preparation for discharge
- Written and verbal post-operative instructions
- Telephone contact and follow-up the evening of the procedure
Some basic requirements for patients having anesthesia:
- A general good and stable health (questions about specific medical conditions will be discussed with your doctor).
- No evidence of active pulmonary infection (chest cold), fever, or influenza.
- Maintaining a fasting state as instructed 8 hours prior to the procedure.
- A responsible adult who will be able to return home with the patient after the procedure and remain with them throughout the evening.