Board Certified Prosthodontists Combat Dental Adhesive Scare
With Practical Options at Affordable Prices
In May 2009, ABC News began their own investigation of zinc in Fixodent and described the class action lawsuit started by users who have experienced devastating side effects.
In the twentieth century, the common prosthetic solution for severely compromised dental conditions was extraction of decayed and periodontally hopeless teeth and the application of removable dentures. Never an ideal, dentures prescribed by a skilled clinician and manufactured by a quality laboratory, could at least be somewhat esthetic and fairly functional. Removable teeth that sleep in a glass stood for decades as a viable solution, and smart denture wearers sought out the best adhesives for assistance in keeping their teeth comfortably snug by day.
Recent widespread consumer alerts stating that excessive zinc in denture adhesives may damage nerves, weaken limbs and disturb proper balance have denture patients clearly on edge. Product manufacturers insist that with proper use of these products, they are totally safe and that only in circumstances where dentures are loose or ill fitting and excessive denture cream is used, could a patient’s overall health be at risk.
The American College of Prosthodontists recommends that denture patients visit their dentist to ensure that the denture is relined to fit the anatomically changing ridge as best as possible. This can minimize the need for large doses of adhesives in the mouth and reduces the risk of injury.
Drs. Tom Balshi and Glenn Wolfinger, board certified prosthodontists at the Pi Dental Center in Fort Washington, take the recommendation one step further. Twenty-first century state of the art smile solutions with dental implants completely eliminate both the need for removable dentures and the dependence on adhesives. New very affordable permanent smiles can be achieved with minimally invasive treatment in a single clinical visit, rejuvenating the face as well as providing non-removable teeth that look and function sometimes even better than the natural born smile.