Zygomatic Implants Used To Correct Congenital Defect
Congenital Anomalies are a broad category of health conditions that are present at birth and deviate from normal anatomic growth, development, or function. The congenital anomaly develops in utero or may have genetic origins.
Ectodermal Dysplasia is a congenital anomaly caused by a single abnormal gene or pair of abnormal genes. In congenital ectodermal dysplasia, teeth are absent at birth, reduced in number, or conical in appearance, so that they may require partial dentures from childhood.
Since loss of adult teeth often accompanies ectodermal dysplasia, it can also lead to underdevelopment of the jaws. The jaws have little support, which causes the bite to collapse and narrows the alveolar ridges. This condition creates a diminished appearance of the lower third of the face. The reduction in the size of the width of the jaws and supporting musculature is apparent in the full-face frontal view.
Oral facial rehabilitation of young adults afflicted with severe Ectodermal Dysplasia can be accomplished using modern treatment concepts. These concepts may include dental implants to support non-removable teeth, bone grafting, and tissue engineering, together with advanced esthetic prosthodontic artistry to create natural-looking replacement teeth and an esthetically pleasing smile.
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