Replacement of upper and lower teeth with full-arch fixed implant supported prostheses for a stunning dental restorations and esthetic result
Prosthodontic Treatment: By Robert W. Slauch, DDS, MDSc, FACP completed prosthodontic treatment.
Final Restorations: Upper Arch – CM Prosthetic Bridge – CAD/CAM Milled Titanium Framework with Individual Zirconium Porcelain Crowns. Lower Arch – CM/AvaDent® Titanium Milled Frame Implant Supported Acrylic Prosthesis supported by four osseointegrated fixtures.
Lab Work: Provisional Restorations – Toni Robinson (Pi Dental Center In-House Lab) Final Restorations – Stephen Balshi, MBE, CM Prosthetics, Fort Washington, PA. Nancy Gausz (Pi Dental Center In-House Ceramics Lab) stained and glazed final teeth.